Bronchitis: Folklore With Regards to Fruit Therapy

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Bronchitis: Folklore With Regards to Fruit Therapy Empty Bronchitis: Folklore With Regards to Fruit Therapy

Post by Admin Thu Sep 29, 2016 11:19 pm


Potato: There was an Irish proverb: Be eating one potato, peeling a second, have a third in your fist and your eye on the fourth. Spinach: In ancient times, spinach juice was used as a cure for conjunctivitis and defective vision; a cure for anemia, weakness and low vitality.

Cloves: In medieval times, the dried, aromatic immature flower buds of the evergreen clove tree were used as a breath sweetener, a comfort for the heart and stomach; a remedy for nausea, colic, flatulence and diarrhea. This is a systematic presentation on the uses and history of Fever Bronchitis. Use it to understand more about Fever Bronchitis and it's functioning.

Onion: in Ancient

Times, onion was used as an effective cure for insomnia, sunstroke, heat-stroke, headache, and travel sickness. Externally its juice was applied to insect bites and scorpion stings. In addition to what we had mentioned in the previous paragraph, much more has to be said about Bronchitis Cough. If space permits, we will state everything about it.

Fig (Dumur): in

Ancient times, figs were used as an effective remedy for menorrhagia, diabetes and sore throat. Anise: In medieval times, the dried seeds of the anise plant were used to relieve flatulence and were considered as a remedy for worms, stomachache, Once you are through reading what is written here on Bronchitis, have you considered recollecting what has been written and writing them down? This way, you are bound to have a better understanding on Bronchitis. Embarassed

Tomato: Tomato is neither a vegetable nor a fruit but botanically it is considered a berry. In ancient times, half-ripe tomatoes were used as a remedy for diarrhea and dysentery. It was also called 'love-apple'. The title of this composition could be rightly be Bronchitis. This is because what is mentioned here is mostly about Bronchitis.

Vertigo, Giddiness

And nausea. They were also used pollution: examining the damages triggered to the breathing system milk of nursing mothers. Cherry: In ancient times, it was believed that six cherry kernels a day art center college of design of kidney stones. It was also used as a cure for appendicitis.

Sabeda: In ancient times, sabeda was used as a cure for anemia, general debility, low vitality, lassitude, general weakness, headache, and travel sickness. They believed that this fruit was a sure remedy for impotency, sexual sterility, frigidity, etc. Fever Bronchitis is the substance of this composition. Without Fever Bronchitis, there would not have been much to write and think about over here!

Liquorice (jastimadhu): In ancient times, liquorice with honey and ginger was used as a powerful remedy in fevers, bronchitis, cough and cold. Tamarind (imli): In medieval times, ripe tamarind pulp was used as a remedy for loss of memory, bilious vomiting, loss of appetite and travel sickness. We hope you develop a better understanding of Fever Bronchitis on completion of this article on Fever Bronchitis. Only if the article is understood is it's benefit reached. Shocked

Carrot: In medieval times, it was believed that carrot juice improves eye sight; it was also used as a cure for loose teeth; bleeding gums, anemia, scurvy and rickets. A substantial amount of the words here are all inter-connected to and about Fever Bronchitis. Understand them to get an overall understanding on Fever Bronchitis.

Ginger: In ancient times, raw ginger was used as a breath sweetener; an aid to digestion; a cure for toothache and bleeding gums, and as a strengthening agent for loose teeth and weak eyes. Saying that all that is written here is all there is on Bronchitis Cough would be an understatement. Very much more has to be learnt and propagated bout Bronchitis Cough.

Rhubarb (pies): In ancient times, rhubarb root juice was used as a purgative. Apple: In medieval times, apple juice was regarded as a cure for anemia, low vitality, and general debility. Ancient people believed in the proverb: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. As you progress deeper and deeper into this composition on Bronchitis, you are sure to unearth more information on Bronchitis. The information becomes more interesting as the deeper you venture into the composition. Rolling Eyes

  • Plantain (kela): In medieval times, green plantain flower (mocha) juice was treated an effective remedy for menorrhagia.
  • Boiled green plantain was regarded as an effective remedy in diarrhea and dysentery.

Margosa: in Dark

Ages, margosa (neem) leaf juice was used as a cure for fevers, skin diseases and boils. Holy basil (tulsi): In ancient times, holy basil leaf juice with honey and liquorice was used as an effective remedy in malarial fevers, bronchitis, cough and cold. Very Happy.

  • Marmelos: In ancient times, ripe marmelos was used as a cure for diarrhea and dysentery.
  • A few slices of marmalade of marmelos will be very useful in diarrhea and dysentery.

Garlic: Ancient

People believed that garlic was a powerful charm against evil eye, demons, witches and vampires. In ancient Rome, the garlic was dedicated to Mars, the god of war. Medieval people used garlic as a cure for heart-attack, cancer and tumour. Garlic was believed to be sure remedy for all sorts of ailments in the body. It was also regarded as 'heal-all' vegetable. Externally garlic juice was applied to insect bites, scorpion stings, and even to dog bites. In old age, it would be very difficult to keep the body fit and active by drugs. If one takes a few cloves of fried garlic daily and a glass of musumbi juice the morning, one will remain free from all sorts of diseases. Medical experts gave us this valuable advice.

Cirrhosis of liver and all sorts liver troubles. It was also used as a specific remedy for heart-'attack and thrombosis. Musumbi juice was also used as a sure remedy for anemia, fever, bronchitis, general debility, small-pox, prostate gland disorders, kidney disorders and uterine troubles. Ancient people treated this fruit as all-purpose medicine.

  • The ancient people used to eat raw onions at supper time in order to get sound sleep.
  • If anyone eats fried garlic at supper time, he will surely get a very sound sleep.

Beet root: In dark ages, beet juice was used for dissolving fibroid tumours in the uterus, in the bones and in the stomach. Its juice was also used as a cure in fevers, bronchitis, cough and cold. Even if you are a stranger in the world of Bronchitis, once you are through with this article, you will no longer have to consider yourself to be a stranger in it!

Lady's finger (dheras, bhindi): In ancient times, raw lady's finger was used as remedy for impotency,' sexual frigidity, sterility. Musumbi (lime): In medieval times, musumbi was regarded as a 'miracle fruit'. They treated this fruit as a 'heal-all' fruit. Musumbi juice was used as a very effective and sure remedy in diarrhea, dysentery, jaundice, diabetes, There are universal applications on Fever Bronchitis everywhere. However, it is up to us to decide the way used for these applications to get the best results from them.

Papaya: In ancient times, ripe papaya was used as an effective remedy for all sorts of stomach troubles. Green papaya was used as a vegetable in diarrhoea and dysentery. We wish to stress on the importance and the necessity of Fever Bronchitis through this article. This is because we see the need of propagating its necessity and importance! Very Happy.

Orange (narangi): In olden days, orange juice was used as an effective remedy for fever, bronchitis, cough and cold, low vitality, lassitude, general debility, anemia, general weakness, impotency, sterility, kidney disorders and prostate gland disorders. What we have written here about Fever Bronchitis can be considered to be a unique composition on Fever Bronchitis. Let's hope you appreciate it being unique. Evil or Very Mad

Black-pepper (kalajira): In medieval times, the black-pepper was used as a cure for toothache. It was also used as a preventive drug in blood dysentery, scarlet fever, small-pox, leprosy, typhus, cholera and plague. We do hope that you find the information here something worth recommending others to read and think about once you complete reading all there is about Bronchitis.

Cabbage: In ancient times, cabbage juice was used as a cure in gastric or peptic ulcers. Its juice was found to be very useful in all sorts of stomach or liver troubles. For this reason, ancient people ate only boiled cabbage with salt. Get more familiar with Fever Bronchitis once you finish reading this article. Only then will you realize the importance of Fever Bronchitis in your day to day life. Wink

Pumpkin: In medieval times, pumpkin seed were used as a cure for prostate gland disorders, impotency, sterility and leucoderma. Peppermint: In dark ages, peppermint oil was used as a cure for flatulence, nausea and gastralgia. It is only if you find some usage for the matter described here on Fever Bronchitis that we will feel the efforts put in writing on Fever Bronchitis fruitful. So make good usage of it!

Lemon (nimbu): In ancient times, lemon was regarded as a miracle fruit. It was used effective remedy for diarrhea, dysentery, jaundice, flatulence, indigestion, dyspepsia, cirrhosis of liver, diabetes, dropsy, and intestinal troubles. It was also used as a cure in eye troubles and kidney disorders. Looking for something logical on Bronchitis Cough, we stumbled on the information provided here. Look out for anything illogical here.

  • Homeopathy Attack the hack.
  • For a dry, hacking cough, Aconitum is among the best homeopathic medicines, according to homeopath Dana Ullman.
  • Others that work well include Antimonium tartaricum, Bryonia, Drosera, Phosphorus, and Spongia.
  • Which of these medicines a homeopath prescribes depends on your unique symptoms. Evil or Very Mad

Red Flags Consult your doctor immediately if you have bronchitis and you develop a fever or you start coughing up bloody, brown, or greenish yellow phlegm. You may have pneumonia, which requires prompt professional treatment.

Repeat the above steps, this time focusing on breathing from your diaphragm rather than from your upper chest. Aromatherapy Get a whiff of relief. Herbalist/aromatherapist Kathy Keville, coauthor of Aromatherapy: A Complete Guide to the Healing Art, recommends the following essential oils for bronchitis: clove bud, fir (including balsam and pine), ravensara, and sweet inula. Add 3 to 5 drops of the essential oil of your choice to a bowl of hot water and inhale deeply. Or add 3 to 15 drops to a comfortably hot bath and step in for a soothing soak. Avoid using clove in the bath, as it may irritate your skin.

  • Close your eyes and focus on your breathing, telling yourself that you can get rid of anything that interferes with your normal breathing.
  • Then open your eyes.
  • Reading is a habit that has to be cultivated from a small age.
  • Only if one has the habit of reading can one acquire more knowledge on things like Cough Bronchitis.
  • Naturopathy Make your own cough syrup.
  • Place six chopped white onions in a double boiler.
  • Add 1/2 cup of honey.
  • Slowly simmer this mixture for 2 hours to draw out the onion juice, then strain out the remaining onion material.
  • Take 1 to 2 warm tablespoonfuls of the honey-onion juice mixture every hour or two, Dr.
  • Pizzorno says.

Choose a cough medicine. For a dry cough, try an over-the-counter cough suppressant that contains dextromethorphan, Dr. Simons suggests. Both Triaminic DM and Dimetapp DM have dextromethorphan as their active ingredient. But don't use these products if you're bringing up mucus. In that case, you should use an expectorant made with guaifenesin, such as Congestac. It would be hopeless trying to get people who are not interested in knowing more about Treating Bronchitis to read articles pertaining to it. Only people interested in Treating Bronchitis will enjoy this article.

Chinese Medicine

Silence the Wind. Chinese medicine views bronchitis as an invasion of Wind, according to Efrem Korngold, O.M.D., L.Ac. Sometimes the condition is brought on by Wind Cold, which produces a dry cough and whitish mucus. For this type of bronchitis, Dr. Korngold might prescribe ginger. Then there's Wind Heat bronchitis, which is characterized by a thick yellow-green mucus. This type responds well to prescription herbal formulas containing fritillaria bulb and tricosanthis fruit, he says. A lot of imagination is required in writing. People may think that writing on Chronic bronchitis is very easy; on the contrary, knowledge and imagination has to be merged to create an interesting composition.

Consult an acupuncturist. The United Nations World Health Organization includes bronchitis in its list of conditions treatable with acupuncture. When treating bronchitis, acupuncturists use Lung 5, which is located inside your elbow, on the upper part of the crease. They also use Lung 6, which is high on the thickest part of the forearm. You can try stimulating these points yourself with acupressure. Using your fingertips, apply steady, penetrating pressure to each point for 3 minutes. This article has been written with the intention of showing some illumination to the meaning of Cough Bronchitis. This is so that those who don't know much about Cough Bronchitis can learn more about it.

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Bronchitis: Folklore With Regards to Fruit Therapy X

Other Good Choices

Visualization Breathe in, breathe out. Coughing that you're unable to control makes you anxious. This leads to shallow breathing, which in turn triggers even more coughing. The more readers we get to this writing on Treating Bronchitis, the more encouragement we get to produce similar, interesting articles for you to read. So read on and pass it to your friends.

Close your eyes again and take three breaths. If you cough, just accept it and keep breathing. Open your eyes. Close your eyes again and take three breaths. Focus on how your breathing is changing, deepening. Open your eyes. The length of an article is rather immaterial about its response from people. People are more interested in the matter about Treat Bronchitis, and not length.

The following visualization exercise, recommended by Gerald N. Epstein, M.D., director of the Academy of Integrative Medicine and Mental Imagery in New York City, relieves anxiety and restores normal breathing. Practice it for a minute or two every few hours. The more interesting an article, the more takers there are for the article. So we have made it a point to make this article on Bronchitis as interesting as possible!

  • "Before prescribing antibiotics, your doctor should take a sputum culture to make sure that you really have a bacterial infection," Dr.
  • Brauer says.
  • If the test comes out positive-that is, you do have bronchitis-causing bacteria in your system-then antibiotics are appropriate.

Protect Your Airways

Avoid cigarette smoke, dust, chemical vapors, and other respiratory irritants, Dr. Brauer says. Over-The-Counter Drugs As we got to the management and treatment of chronic bronchitis, we found that the time we were given to write was inadequate to write all that there is to write about Treating Bronchitis! So vast are its resources.

That case, there's something that you can do to increase the effectiveness of any antibiotics you're given: Pair them with bromelain, says Alan Gaby, M.D. An enzyme found in pineapple, bromelain helps antibiotics get into your cells. He suggests either eating more pineapple or taking a 250-milligram bromelain supplement with your antibiotics. There is sure to be a grin on your face once you get to read this article on Bronchitis. This is because you are sure to realize that all this matter is so obvious, you wonder how come you never got to know about it!

Home Remedies

Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of fluidssix to eight 8-ounce glasses a day, Dr. Pizzorno advises. Fluids help liquefy bronchial secretions, making them easier to cough up. Most people with bronchitis find warm fluids more soothing than cold. People are inclined to think that some matter found here that is pertaining to Bronchitis is false. However, rest is assured, all that is written here is true! Smile

Medical Measures

A study conducted by Ralph Gonzalez, M.D., adelphi university of Colorado Health Sciences Center in Denver, found that doctors prescribe antibiotics to two-thirds of the people whom they treat for bronchitis. But more than 90 percent of all cases of bronchitis result from viral infections, and antibiotics can't kill viruses. These drugs are effective only against bacteria, which cause comparatively few cases of bronchitis. With people wanting to learn more about Bronchitis, it has provided the necessary incentive for us to write this interesting article on Bronchitis! Surprised.

Get Plastered

Did your grandmother believe in mustard plasters? Naturopaths still do. Here's Dr. Pizzorno's recipe: Mix 2 tablespoons of dry black or brown mustard with 6 tablespoons of flour. Add enough water to make a paste. Spread the paste on a cloth, then lay the cloth over your chest. Inhale the vapors for no more than 20 minutes. After that, be sure to remove the plaster. If you leave it on your chest too long, you could develop blisters. We have not actually resorted to roundabout means of getting our message on Treat Bronchitis through to you. All the matter here is genuine and to the point.

  • It's dry, humidify.
  • Dry air is irritating and can trigger coughing fits. "At night, run a vaporizer while you sleep," Dr.
  • Simons suggests.
  • During the day, take hot, steamy showers.

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