Chronic Bronchitis Asthma

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Chronic Bronchitis Asthma Empty Chronic Bronchitis Asthma

Post by Admin Wed Sep 07, 2016 8:46 pm

Shilajit's Magic Powers

Shilajit in Sanskrit means "conqueror of mountains & destroyer of weakness". It comes from the rocks in the lower Himalayas and is the most important natural remedy of Ayurvedic medicine. The active principle of shilajit is fulvic acid. Traditionally considered a panacea and a strong kidney tonic, it increases the core energy responsible for your sexual and spiritual power, the same force that is withered by stress and anxiety. "There is hardly any curable disease which cannot be controlled or cured with the aid of Shilajit". - Famous Indian Vaid Charak (1st Century A.D.

Ancient Sanskrit holy texts, over 3,000 years old, make reference to a mysterious substance called shilajit, which they describe as the "destroyer of weakness." The texts list its powerful health and spiritual benefits and the positive changes that shilajit brought in the lives of those who used it. The sacred substance was prescribed for thousands of years for many different health problems and became a powerful tool in Ayurvedic medicine. There is some indication that shilajit may have been the priceless soma of the Eastern alchemists. Idea

This ancient wisdom was passed from generation to generation among the Indian and Nepali alchemists and holy men, but it escaped the notice of the Western medical establishment until the last days of the twentieth century, when explorer John Anderson heard of the amazing benefits of this substance and refused to give up the search until he found its source. He journeyed throughout India and Nepal until he learned of the perilous harvesting the raw shilajit from the cliffs. He also documented the reams of Sanskrit studies showing the rare plant's benefits. He spoke firsthand with more than fifty Indian and Nepalese researchers that have been studying the wonderful effects of shilajit and perfecting the processes for delivering the purest, most concentrated shilajit ever know to man. We have included the history of Bronchitis here so that you will learn more about its history. It is only through it's history can you learn more about Bronchitis.

There is hardly any curable disease which cannot be controlled or cured with the aid of Shilajit." - Famous Indian Vaid Charak (1st Century A.D.) Traditionally considered a panacea and a strong kidney tonic, it increases the core energy responsible for your sexual and spiritual power, the same force that is withered by stress and anxiety. It is used by the indigenous system of medicine in India, Hakims and Vaids and traditional healers, in a great variety of diseases: genitourinary diseases, diabetes, chronic bronchitis, asthma, gall stones, jaundice, painful and bleeding piles, enlarged liver and spleen, fermentative dyspepsia, digestive disorders, worms, renal and bladder calculi, nervous debility, sexual neurasthenia, hysteria, anaemia and in bone fracture. The first impression is the best impression. We have written this article on Chronic Bronchitis in such a way that the first impression you get will definitely make you want to read more about it! Shocked

Medicinal Properties of Shilajit (Excerpts from Dr

Michael Hartman) There is a lot of research proving Shilajit can help a broad spectrum of health problems. There are many testimonials from people taking Shilajit that have received improvements beyond their expectations. These testimonials indicate that shilajit has to be taken for at least 2 months to give it time to work. Having tonic properties, this substance is useful in a wide variety of treatments. It has been said that there is hardly any curable disease which cannot be assisted with the aid of Shilajit. General debility and fatigue is among the list of ailments which can be helped with Shilajit. The overall action is alterative, tonic, slightly laxative, cholagogue, respiratory stimulant, disinfectant & expectorant, intestinal antiseptic, diuretic, and lithotriptic. Don't be surprised if you find anything unusual here about Chronic Bronchitis. There has been some interesting and unusual things here worth reading.

This Organic Matter is Composed of a Large Variety of Minerals

Millions of years ago, before the Himalayas were formed, a lush garden flourished in a vast fertile valley. The vegetation in that primeval garden became trapped and preserved as the movement of the continents caused that valley to become the tallest mountain range in the world. Today, millions of years later the monsoon rains and extreme freeze and thaw conditions work together to crack large rock formations, exposing the precious shilajit. Because of its ancient nature, the vegetation was never exposed to any type of fertilizer, pesticide, herbicide, or pollution. The native Nepali people collect and carry this gift of nature down the mountain, where it is alchemically processed into a potent, high-quality extract. Having a penchant for Chronic Bronchitis led us to write all that there has been written on Chronic Bronchitis here. Hope you too develop a penchant for Chronic Bronchitis!

Shilajit is the Most Important Natural Remedy of Ayurvedic and Folk- Medicine Systems

Its active principle is fulvic acid. Shilajit, also known as mineral pitch , comes from the rocks in the lower Himalayas during the warm, summer months Shilajit is used by the indigenous system of medicine in India, Hakims and Vaids and traditional healers, in a great variety of diseases: genitourinary diseases, diabetes, chronic bronchitis, asthma, gall stones, jaundice, painful and bleeding piles, epilepsy, enlarged liver and spleen, fermentative dyspepsia, digestive disorders, worms, renal and bladder calculi, nervous debility, sexual neurasthenia, hysteria, anaemia and in bone fracture.

Bronchitis is an acute inflammation of the air passages within the lungs. It occurs when the trachea (windpipe) and the large and small bronchi (airways) within the lungs become inflamed because of infection or other causes.

Medications Bronchodilator Medications Inhaled as aerosol sprays or taken orally, bronchodilator medications may help to relieve symptoms of bronchitis andbronchitis and smoking and opening the air passages in the lungs. The value of this composition is achieved if after reading it, your knowledge on Symptoms Bronchitis is greatly influenced. This is how we find out that the meaning of Symptoms Bronchitis has really entered you!

Bronchitis causes discomforts in patient's life, that is why it is important to become aware of the signs and symptoms of this illness to determine if you already have this condition, or if it is time to consult your doctor. Bronchitis is a preventable illness, establishing proper hygiene inside your house and taking care of your health may help you avoid this condition.

Acute Bronchitis Usually Develops on the Heels of a Cold or the Flu

Your body's battle to defeat these infections leaves your bronchial tubes sensitive, irritated, and inflamed, explains Alan P. Brauer, M.D. This impairs the ability of the tiny hairs that line the bronchial tubes, called the cilia, to sweep mucus and other debris out of your respiratory tract. With your bronchial tubes inflamed and your cilia impaired, your body resorts to its coughing mechanism to keep those bronchi clear. The initial stages of this article on Acute Bronchitis Causes proved to be difficult. However, with hard work and perseverance, we have succeeded in providing an interesting and informative article for you to read.

Cigarette Smoking is the Most Common Cause of Chronic Bronchitis

Chronic bronchitis may also result from a series of attacks of acute bronchitis. Other causes include air pollution and industrial dusts and fumes. We were rather indecisive on where to stop in our writings of Causes Bronchitis. We just went on writing and writing to give a long article.

Common symptoms of both kinds of bronchitis are nasal congestion, muscle pains, fever and chills, sore throat, poor sleep, and dyspnea (common in chronic bronchitis). Basically, the symptoms of bronchitis are similar to that of the common cold. It starts with an irritation at the back of the throat and as it gets worse, cough will enter the picture which may come with phlegm. If the phlegm is streaked with blood, it is best to consult a physician. You may be inquisitive as to where we got the matter for writing this alternative medicine bronchitis Causes. Of course through our general knowledge, and the Internet! Embarassed

The disease comes in two forms: acute (lasting less than 6 weeks) and chronic (reoccurring frequently for more than two years). In addition, people with asthma also experience an inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes called asthmatic bronchitis Inspiration can be considered to be one of the key ingredients to writing. Only if one is inspired, can one get to writing on any subject especially like Bronchitis Acute Bronchitis.

  • Medications for chronic bronchitis include anti-inflammatory medications and bronchodilators.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs decrease the inflammation in the respiratory tract tissues.
  • It is the normal style of writers to add additional information with the intention of lengthening the length of an article.
  • However, we have provided a short and concise article with only required information on Bronchitis.

Symptoms Lingering cough after bronchitis symptoms, inflammation takes place in the bronchi and consequently, secretion of mucus occurs in large quantities and gets expelled as phlegm that is sticky. Other symptoms include fever, difficulty in breathing, pain in chest, cough and loss of appetite. We have omitted irrelevant information from this composition on Asthmatic Bronchitis Acute as we though that unnecessary information may make the reader bored of reading the composition.

Unless someone is diabetic, or very close to someone who is, they do not realize how life changing this disease can be. I believe one of the reasons this is, is because so many people are diagnosed with diabetes; that somewhere down the line, the seriousness of the disease, in people's minds, have diminished.

He Has Always Been Hyperactive, So Even When He Was Sick, He Was Active

I started to notice he was looking a little pale and losing weight, even though he ate constantly. I made him a doctor appointment for the next opening, which wasn't until a month away. All of a sudden he started wetting the bed. The urine had a very strong odor. He also started complaining of headaches. At first I thought the complaints, was just an excuse for the eleven-year-old to stay out of school. But when they became so severe, I knew they were real. The second day his headaches were so severe, he stayed home from school. He presented no other symptoms, but he slept all day long. This was enough to definitely make me realize something was extremely wrong. I got out my diagnosis health encyclopedia books and after a few hours, I came down to two diagnosis, kidney trouble or diabetes, (this was before I became a nurse, so I was going only by his symptoms and the words on the page). It was about 6:30 at night, when I told my husband something was terribly wrong and I was taking our son to the emergency room. Rolling Eyes

Chronic Bronchitis Diagram: INTEGRIS Pulmonologists Oklahoma

Chronic Bronchitis Asthma Chronic-bronchitis7086

  • Eddie, who is now 23, has kept his sugar under good control, (not tight, sadly -- but good) where he has not had to be hospitalized too often.
  • He mainly has to go into the hospital when he gets a bad illness, such as the flu or stomach virus.
  • When a diabetic's body is stressed with illnesses, it causes the blood sugar to go erratic.
  • High blood sugars read off the chart, even when they have not been able to eat -- then their blood sugar may suddenly drop to a dangerous low.
  • It also makes it more difficult to control because they are not able to eat, or maybe even drink.
  • For diabetics, this is not an option.
  • They are hospitalized where they can receive I.V fluids, and keep a close check on their blood sugar readings.
  • Which sometimes means being pricked in the fingers up to 8 times a day, for several days in a row.
  • This is the counterpart to our previous paragraph on Bronchitis.
  • Please read that paragraph to get a better understanding to this paragraph.

My life was drastically affected by diabetes twelve years ago when my son, who is now 23, was just eleven years old, and diagnosed with juvenile diabetes. It was with great optimism that we started out on writing this composition on Bronchitis. Please don't let us lose this optimism.

Diabetes Causes Such a Wide Array of Secondary Illnesses

Including stunting growth in a growing child. Eddie lost a whole year of growing. When he was 13, he had the bones of an 11 1/2 yr. old. He was put on intra-muscular testoterone shots at home. Which he took a lot better than most adults would, every night for six months. Patience was exercised in this article on Bronchitis. Without patience, it would not have been possible to write extensively on Bronchitis. Evil or Very Mad

Then There are the Emotional Changes Diabetes Puts Them Through

The anger, restlessness, nervousness, inpatience -- imagine it, and it is effected. It plays roulette with their hormones, causing their emotions and temperment to go into extreme modes. Sadly, this seems to be most of the time. All this happens in all diabetics, but I am concentrating on Type 1, Juvenile Diabetes. Type 1, Juvenile on-set, varies from Type 2, adult on-set, because with type 1, your pancreas does not produce any insulin at all. With Type 2, it produces insulin, but not sufficient enough, or at a normal rate.

Was Over-Whelming

Three main meals a day and three snacks a day; mandatory, with a minimum of two shots daily for the rest of his life. To say we were under stress, would be putting it mildly. My son put on a brave face, but about the fourth day after he was diagnosed, I had a heart to heart with him. The poor baby thought he had brought the diabetes on himself and was being punished for something he said. Meanwhile, my nine-year-old at home was going through her own personal hell. After speaking to her, I found out she was scared to death that he was going to die, and that she was next. This came from two children whose parents did talk to them and tried to explain everything to the best of their ability. We have actually followed a certain pattern while writing on Bronchitis. We have used simple words and sentences to facilitate easy understanding for the reader. Laughing

  • Diabetes is a very serious and scary chronic illness.
  • It is totally life changing for those diagnosed.
  • Eating becomes literally a matter of life and death.
  • And the way a person is use to eating is usually changed drastically. Idea

All these changes he was going through, made him feel like he was different than the other children. He was afraid to spend a night for quite some time after being diagnosed; because if his sugar went up too high at night, it could cause him to wet the bed. Something that an eleven-year-old would be horrified to do in front of his friends. We also had to make sure if he did go spend the night with a friend, that they had plenty of food. (Though, his back pack would be packed with extra food for snacks, it couldn't contain the main meals.) We also had to let the parents know he was diabetic, where they could keep an extra eye out. This would sometimes turn into a nightmare, as Eddie did not want to go around announcing he was diabetic. He also didn't like being treated differently if a mother was handing out sugared drinks or sugared snacks to the other kids. Penetration into the world of Bronchitis proved to be our idea in this article. Read the article and see if we have succeeded in this or not! Wink

  • These emotional issues are just as important to deal with as the physical disease itself.
  • The emotional needs must be addressed.
  • Not only the needs of the person diagnosed, but the whole family, and if it's a child, this includes the parents and siblings.

When we arrived at the emergency room, my son had a hard time keeping his eyes opened. We were finally called to the back, where they started running several tests. Sure enough he was diagnosed with Type 1 Juvenile Diabetes. His blood sugar was well over 600. Normal blood sugar levels range from 90-110. The reason he was sleeping so much was because he was trying to slip into a diabetic coma. The doctor said that if I didn't bring him in when I did, he would have went into a coma that night. They admitted him to ICU and kept a vigil on him for three days as insulin was delivered through IV. That was the day our lives changed forever; especially my eleven-year-old son's. We consider that we have only touched the perimeter of information available on Bronchitis. There is still a lot more to be learnt!

As a Mother, Seeing Him Go Through All of this, Tore My Heart Out

When I did let him leave, I had to worry not only what every mother worries about when her children go off by themselves, but I had to worry if his sugar dropped too low, would he be able to make it home {b}in time{/b} to get something to eat? Even though he carried emergency glucose pills for low sugar, it does not work all the time. (Depending on how low his sugar is and if he is able to chew, and has enough sense to take them.) When your sugar drops extremely low, you are not aware of what you're doing. Many people have been suspected of being high on drugs, when it is their sugar causing the strange behaviour. It's a very scary thing to see, even more so do go through. I also had to worry if he would go off and drink sugar drinks and go to the store and get candy. This was not a simple concern, this could actually kill or disable him. When your sugar gets too high, you are damaging your organs -- and if you start spilling ketones, it becomes a very dangerous situation. It causes ketoacidosis which causes nausea, sometimes severe with projectile vomiting, stomach pains, confusion and drowsiness; because their body is over-worked and worn out. It's literally starving to death. They are also in danger of slipping into a diabetic coma. High sugar often does develop into Diabetic ketoacidosis -- (DKA) which is a life-threatening blood chemical (electrolyte) imbalance that develops in a person with diabetes when the cells do not get the sugar (glucose) they need for energy. As a result, the body breaks down fat instead of glucose and produces and releases substances called ketones into the bloodstream. Severe diabetic ketoacidosis can cause difficulty breathing, brain swelling (cerebral edema), coma, or death. This is also the time when diabetes is doing the most harm to all the organs -- which can lead to heart failure, kidney failure, blindness, neuropathy -- and the list goes on. Perhaps you may not have been interested in this passage on Bronchitis. In that case, please don't spread this feedback around!

The emotional stress one goes through seems to get ignored and lost in the endless information and directions of how to now live your life. This is not just merely staying alive ' it's trying to stay alive without ending up blind, on kidney dialysis, with severe nerve damage, or amputation, just to name a few.

Our Lives Became Rigid, At First -- as We Tried to Cope With the Changes

My son, Eddie, could not just run off and play at his friend's house whenever he wanted, or was allowed. He had to make sure he was home to take his shots on time, to eat the regular meals and the snacks in-between. He was a hard player, he had to learn that if he didn't eat like he was supposed to, wheather he was hungry or not, he would end up getting shaky. If he did not get something in him quickly to raise his blood sugar, he may slip so low that an ambulance would have to be called to save his life, if I wasn't there with an emergency glucagon (intra-muscular sugar water) shot -- as he would get extremely lethargic and not be able to communicate, or to understand what was going on around him. Perfection has been achieved in this article on Bronchitis. There is hardly any matter left from this article that is worth mentioning.Perfection has been achieved in this article on Bronchitis. There is hardly any matter left from this article that is worth mentioning.

Hurts me now, as it has since the day he was diagnosed, to know that he may soon be experiencing some very bad health problems because of the diabetes. Problems start to arise mostly after being diabetic for five years. We are living on borrowed time with decent health -- as he now has had diabetes for twelve years. When he says his chest hurts him, I don't think, "Oh no, he may be getting bronchitis." I think, "Oh Lord, please let it be something as simple as bronchitis." When he tells me his feet hurt and his whole body aches -- I know it may be a sign of neuropathy. At 23 he experiences pains and aches no young adult should have to face. But I praise God for each day that goes by where he is still able to work and live life as close to a young adult as he possibly can. God has spared us from him having any serious conditions. I know that may change any day, but I can relish in each day it does not.

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